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Vacation Luxury: 25 Most Expensive Airbnb Rentals in Major American Cities

Since its rise in popularity Airbnb has become “the” place to go for unique rentals.


[This amazing waterfront estate didn’t even make the top 5 for most expensive rentals.]

Airbnb was first founded back in 2008  by Brian Chesky as a response to expensive hotels, staggering fees, and a lack of non corporate choices in the rental world. The goal, initially at least, was to hook up people who needed a cheap rental with homeowners that were offering up their space.

With more than 1.5 million listings through the service there are bound to be some pretty ritzy accommodations available. We decided to pick through the most expensive listings in 25 major American cities, purely for your enjoyment. A pair of these homes even break the $10,000/per night threshold! Grab your piggy bank and start making your travel plans because #3 will win your heart.

Click the “Next” button below to see what sort of luxury $10,000 per night affords!


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